Gareth Walton
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Performance Coach
Gareth, during his time as a Performance Coach, has worked with athletes from a wide range of sports, and various levels including Olympic, professional, amateur, recreational, and youth athletes. He has worked on a variety of contracts for EXOS and supported the education side of the company delivering their methodology mentorships and workshops in various countries around the globe. He has taught in over a dozen countries, on three continents plus implemented their methodology within a range of sporting teams. Gareth is an event group coach for sprints and hurdles as well as a UEFA B football coach.
As coaches, trainers, and therapists, we are constantly searching for ways to develop and maximise performance in the sporting arena. This allows us to limit injuries, optimize performance outcomes, and see the desired competition results we want. The ability to move well, as we know, can provide a key advantage to players towards the outcome of a game. How we develop speed mechanics to enhance agility in the applied everyday setting on the training ground can be done through effective coaching.